Autumn Succulent Care

Autumn Succulent Care

Check outdoor pots for puddles

With the crazy amounts of rain we’ve been having recently make sure you get outside and check those pots for puddles. Succulents require good drainage in their pot and soil to make sure they don’t sit in water for long periods of time. Too much water can very easily kill off a succulent so this is especially important for those still outdoors.

If you can, try lifting plants off the floor where water might sit under the pot. A bread crate or piece of netting with holes in it are ideal to stand pots on.


Time for a prune

Get in amongst your plants and pull of any of the drying, browning leaves. It’s very common for succulents to shed leaves at this time of year. By pulling these away you will be increasing air flow around the plant and reducing the places that little nasty bugs might find a home.

If the leaves are dry and crispy this is a good sign. Any leaves that are soggy and rotting might be a sign that the plant is too wet or there is something else going on with the plant.

Indoor plants might be thirsty!

As the weather gets colder and we start putting heating on in the home, be mindful that the succulents kept indoors might in fact be drying out quicker than they were before!

With this in mind, you may need to increase your watering over winter. The watering requirements for your plants are going to be very unique to your location, the plant size, pot size, pot material, soil type etc.

E.g. If a plant is kept on a shelf above a radiator it might be drying out every couple of days. A plant kept in a cool unheated shed might take weeks and weeks to dry out over winter.

The key message here is to keep checking in on your plants. The thing that can tell you how often you need to water over the Autumn/winter is your plant!

Don't forget to ventilate

Even with the cooling weather, it’s really important to get windows and doors open to spaces where you keep your plants. This might just be for an hour or so in the morning, but will help to keep the air around your plants fresh.

Location, Location, Location

For succulents kept outdoors, try to move plants to a South East facing position where they will get sunlight first thing in the morning and for the longest length of time during the day. This will help clear any morning frost or dew first thing too.

For indoor plants, try to find spaces with as much light as possible! The shorter, darker days often force the plants to stretch for light becoming ‘leggy’.

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