- Why has my succulent grown leggy? Why has my succulent changed colour?Why has my succulent gone leggy? While plants kept indoors don’t face the risk of frost, the shorter days in the winter months and reduction in the quality and strength of that light have a significant impact on the growth of our sun loving succulents. Have you noticed that the sun never appears directly above… Read more: Why has my succulent grown leggy? Why has my succulent changed colour?
- When can I move my succulents outside?Can I put my Succulents outside yet? Is it too cold to put my succulents outside in the UK? The days are getting longer, the temperatures are warming, and it’s finally time to start thinking about bringing your beloved succulents outside after a long winter indoors. Succulents make fantastic house guests and don’t NEED to… Read more: When can I move my succulents outside?
- Pot Pourri Box – Upcycled Succulent ArrangementPot Pourri Box – Upcycled Succulent Arrangement When mum asked me if I wanted a tray of leftover cuttings I knew I would find the perfect container to do something creative with them. I found this wooden pot pourii box in a charity shop and loved the look of it. I knew straight away I… Read more: Pot Pourri Box – Upcycled Succulent Arrangement
- How do I stop my Aeonium growing tall and leggy?How do I get my single headed Aeonium to grow into a bushier plant?
- RHS Gold Medal for Corseside NurseryRHS Gold Medal for Corseside Nursery. Pembrokeshire nursery swoops gold at Malvern Spring Festival 2023. An eclectic array of succulents in an exhibition made from 100% recycled flotsam and jetsam