Pot Pourri Box - Upcycled Succulent Arrangement

When mum asked me if I wanted a tray of leftover cuttings I knew I would find the perfect container to do something creative with them.

I found this wooden pot pourii box in a charity shop and loved the look of it. I knew straight away I could utilise those holes in the lid.

I used a glue-gun to glue to lid so that it sat in a diamond shape ontop of the base. I loved the two triangle pockets at the front that this created too.

Next, I filled the container with a succulent mix of Compost/Sand/Crushed shell and started picking cuttings from my tray of leftovers to use in the arrangement.

I filled the front two pockets first and then moved onto filling in the top. I’m a sucker for symmetry, so decided to go in rows with the cuttings in the top. There was an abundance of Crassula Muscosa in the tray, so I used the long tendrils as a bit of a back-drop to the more pretty Aeonium Haworthii rosettes.

I used some Sedum Rubrotinctum ‘(‘jellybean’) heads as a second row. I love the contrasting colours of red and green these little beans have.
To finish off, I used a flowering head of an Echeveria Duchess of Nuremberg (not sure how long this will last), and decorated behind it with some leaf cuttings from the main rosette of the plant. It will be interesting to see how/if these guys root in here.

Disclaimer** – This is not an arrangement for longevity. I decided to gift it to my Nan for her birthday instead of buying flowers. Some of these succulents will grow much faster than the others and bully them out of the way. It will be interesting to see how it grows … a much much much longer lasting gift than a bunch of flowers that’s for sure though!
Thanks for reading
Rosie xx
Some of the succulents I used...